Opliger Farms Auction
365 Acre Farm and Equipment
Near Fredericksburg
3344 Harrison Rd. Fredericksburg, OH 44627. From the square of Fredericksburg take Harrison Rd. west 1 ½ miles to farm. From SR 83 take Harrison Rd. east 2.7 miles to farm. Signs posted. GPS Coordinates: 40.674223, -81.899545
Equipment and Contents Sells: Tuesday May 17 @ 9:00 AM
Tractors * Combines * Skid Loaders * Farm Equipment * Woods 20’ Batwing Brush Hog * Case 450 Dozer * Shop Tools * Household & Collectibles
John Deere, Allis Chambers and IH Tractors, Case Dozer; Gleaner Combines, Skid loaders: JD 4650 4WD tractor with cab, duals, triple remotes; 3- JD 4020s, 1 w/side console hyd. & new hyd. pump; JD 4430 tractor; JD 3020 tractor, NF; JD 3010 tractor; IH 4586 articulating tractor,400 hp, cab w/heat (no air), quad remotes; Allis Chambers tractors including CA (runs), WD w/mower attach., 45 w/front end loader, WD 45; Massey Ferguson 65 (needs work); Case 450 dozer; Bobcat S250 skid loader, foot pedals, diesel, good rubber; Bobcat 700 skid loader; Bobcat M 700 skid loader; Bobcat backhoe for S250; also buckets, pallet forks, dirt bucket; misc. duals for JD tractors; NI front end loader, fits JD 3010;
Combines, Grain Buggies & Grain Equipment: Gleaner R-62 combine, 2 WD, 8.3 Cummins diesel, 6-row corn head and 25’ grain table, 3800 hrs. on engine, 2600 hrs. on separator; Gleaner F combine, diesel engine, runs; Gleaner F for parts; Gleaner E (runs); misc. misc. older grain & corn heads; J&M 875 grain cart; J&M 500 bu. grain buggy w/bottom center dump; United 400 bu. grain cart w/auger; Killbros 385 and 350 gravity wagons, good gears; approx. 15 gravity wagons, most in good condition; Hutchinson 8”x48’ grain auger; 4”x14’ grain auger; GT 580 portable grain dryer; 11,000 bu. grain bin; 3- 3,500 bu. grain bins; Kewanee 500 30 ft. elevator;
Woods Brush hog and Misc. Equipment: Woods BW240 HD 20’ batwing brush hog, excellent condition; Woods 7’ brush hog; 3 pt. post hole digger; Ferris zero-turn mower, 72” deck, Kawasaki engine, 1568 hrs; Polaris Ranger, 4x4 with dump; 7’x16’ tandem axle trailer.
Planting, Tillage & Forage Equipment: John Deere 1590 20ft. drill, good condition; IH 900 corn planter, 12 row with liquid fert.; Krause 28’ disk, rebuilt; IH 9’ transport disk; IH 13’ disk; 13’ packer; Hay buster H 106 Rock Eze rock picker; JD 2800 6 bottom plow; JD 450 6-bottom; 3 JD 5 bottom plows; JD 4x16 plow; 15’ culti mulcher; older 10 shank chisel; 2 older JD 12 shank chisels; IH grinder mixer; NH 256 rake; 16’ kicker wagons; NI 323 corn picker; NH 27 blower; NH 268 baler w/thrower; NH 469 Haybine; anhydrous ammonia tank on gears; old Minne-Mo corn sheller; 2 hit & miss engines, unmarked;
Lots of Scrap, Old Vehicles & Lumber: 20-30 old cars and trucks for scrap; lots and lots of other scrap piles; piles of old rough sawn lumber; misc. engines.
Old Box Wagon w/wooden wheels, in good condition
2013 Chrysler Town & Country Van, 43,000 miles
Old Guns: vintage Ward and Son double barrel, vintage muzzleloader, vintage bb guns, Stevens .22 cal, wallhanger, Iver-Johnson 12 ga wallhanger, Defender pistol, H-R are .22 pistol, Iver Johnson pistol, Gecado Germany .22 cal pistol ser #436515
Tools, Misc.: Karcher steam genie, BD valve refacer, lg bin of hyd. Fittings, hyd. Hose crimper, Miller arc welder 225/150 amp, bandsaw and various woodworking equipment, multiple stackable tool chests, Bench grinder w/ stands, 2 acetylene torch sets with tanks, floor jacks, Longevity mig Welder, large metal lathe, large assortment of metal angle irons, rods and misc. steel, Misc. electric motors, pulley puller‘s, hydraulic jacks and screw jacks, Lg homemade hydraulic press, steel bolt bin, step ladders, chain boomers, ratchet tiedowns, V belts, Milwaukee heat gun, misc. hand tools, Milwaukee super hole shooter 3/4”, misc. Socket sets wrenches and tools, Milwaukee grinders, Rigid pipe wrenches, punches, C clamps, draw knives, mechanics creepers, clevises, hydraulic cylinders, double hook chains, portable upright compressor, Snap-On upright compressor 8 hp like new, multiple clay pigeon thrower‘s, 3 phase milling machine. Multiple wagon and fifth wheel trailers loaded with a large variety of tools as well as many rows of items.
Collectibles, Furniture, Hshld: Copper boiler, Milk cans, Wooden buckets, Runner sleds, numerous galvanized items, Cultivators, Egg scale, Pulleys, Copper kettle, Scythes, nail kegs, egg baskets
Sausage stuffer, Hoosier cupboard with sifter, antique wood box, wood plank btm. Chairs, piano, end tables, Metal fans, floor lamps, Victrola horn, antique 12 pane cabinet, antique bookcase with door, crocks, brass steam whistle, glassware, iron kettle and bean pot. Skillets, oil lamps, Dressers, Jelly cupboard, Aladdin lamp, hand pumps, wardrobe w mirrored front. This is an abbreviated list.
Note: Large amounts of items to sell, we will be in 2-3 rings for most of the day.
Sale Order: 9 AM: Household/Collectibles, 9 AM: Wagonloads of Shop Tools & Misc., 10 AM: Scrap Iron Including Old Vehicles, 12 Noon: Tractors and Farm Equipment
Terms on Chattels: Cash, check or credit cards. 5% buyer’s premium will be waived for cash or check.
Lunch Stand
Real Estate will sell Wednesday May 18th at 5:00 PM
Kaufman Realty & Auctions Auction by order of
888-852-4111, www.kaufman-auctions.com Opliger Farms LLC
Dave Kaufman, Auctioneer Estate of Arthur L Opliger
330.204.6514 Case #2022 PB-E 000122
Pat Kaufman, Realtor/Auctioneer Gregory Opliger, Executor
330.204.6512 [email protected] Paul R. Scherbel, Attorney
Jr. Miller, Realtor/Auctioneer
330-231-1914 [email protected]
Terms on Chattels: Cash, check or credit cards. 5% buyer’s premium will be waived for cash or check.